One day, an old beggar went to the village. He knocked at the door of a rich man to beg for food. This was a big house and at the side was built a granary with a big padlock. The owner of the house was a miser and he was known for never helping anyone.
The beggar was aware of his reputation but still pleaded, "Will you give me a bit of butter or milk?"
The miser said impatiently, "No! Go away at once!"
"Perhaps you can sweep out for me a bit of grain or beans," the hungry beggar continued.
"There isn't anything in my house!"
"How about a little bit of bread?" the beggar insisted. "Only a mouthful of food and I will be very grateful."
"Go away! I don't have bread!"
"How about some water? I am thirsty."
"I don't have water."
The beggar then said sadly to him, "My friend, why are you here? You should go to some kind-hearted folk to beg for food because you are poorer than anybody else."
The miser in this story is really wealthy in a material sense, but he is extremely poor in a moral sense. Rich people without compassion and conscience are not welcome in the society. They are likely to maintain temporary wealth but not everlasting wealth. So at the same time we feed our stomach, don't forget to feed our soul.
“或許,您還能掃出一把麥子或黃豆呢?” 饑餓的乞丐又說道 。